Installing ez

The compiler

Installing the compiler for ez, ezc is fairly simple.

First, make sure you have cargo and zig in your $PATH and are on x86_64 linux. You should use zig 0.7.0. If you are on windows, wsl should work (although it has not been tested on wsl).

Then run cargo install ezc. This will download and compile ezc for you. To test if it worked run ezc in the terminal. If it says:

ERROR: I need an input file.

you have installed it correctly.

Note if you want to install without zig, run HAS_NO_ZIG=1 cargo install ezc.

Standard Library

To build the standard library, run git clone && cd ezc/lib && zig build. If this works correctly, you should have a copy of the standard library in ezc/lib/zig-cache/lib/libstd.a.

Testing if it worked

To test if everything is installed correctly have a file called hello_world.ez with this contents:

External function PutStringLine(s).
Set hello_world to "Hello World!".
Set tmp to PutStringLine(hello_world).

To compile it run ezc hello_world.ez -stdlib-path path/to/stdlib.a.

To see if it worked, the command ./a.out should print "Hello World!"


If you have any issues with the build or install process please raise an issue on github.