Arrays and Pointers

Arrays and pointers are two of the most advanced topics in ez. They are also experimental: there are likely to be bugs when using them.


You can set a variable to an array in ez:

set array_of_nums to [1,2,3].

You can index an array like this:

set array_of_nums to [3,2,1].
set one to array_of_nums[1]. { We know one is 3. }
set array_of_nums[1] to 1. { Now array_of_nums is [1,2,1]. }

A string is just an array of characters, which is just an array of numbers:

set array_of_nums to "hello\n".
set array_of_nums[1] to 'm'. { array_of_nums is "mello\n"}

To find the length of an array, you can use the zeroth element of it:

set array_of_nums to "hello\n".
set len to array_of_nums[0]. { len is 6 }

Note: for technical reasons, arrays are layed out in memory with the first element being a pointer to itself (for technical reasons involving the mov and lea instructions), the second element being the length of the array (not including the first 2 elements) and the rest being the array in memory

[1,2,3] is this: pointer to itself, 3, 1, 2, 3 To see examples of interacting with this slightly different array abi, view lib.zig


In ez, pointers are numbers that represent a pointer to a value.

Use the @ operator to dereference a pointer:

set null to 0.
set oof to @null.

This will produce a segmentation fault; it is the classic example of dereferencing a null pointer.

Note: when setting something to an array value, or passing an array in a function, you are just using the pointer to the array.